Operation Snow Drop is proud to contribute towards vital, long-term empowerment initiatives that give the youth of South Africa the skills and confidence they need to find gainful employment and to improve both their lives and their community.
Our goal is to break the vicious cycle of generational poverty that afflicts many communities today. We offer a number of education and skills development programs which work in unison to strengthen these impoverished areas.
Financial Assistance for Young Adults
Operation Snow Drop supports the overall well-being of younger students, providing them with the tools, clothing and sustenance to make it possible for them to attend school and to eventually take their matriculation exams.
Thanks to our committee, our sponsors, and our volunteers, we also make it possible for students to receive financial assistance so that they may continue their studies in a post-secondary institution, earn a degree, and enter into a rewarding life-long career.
Business Skills Development
Our organization happily accepted the kind donation of a bakery by First National Bank in 2013, which was placed at the Tlakula High School in Kwa Thema. Here unemployed individuals become “apprentices” and they are taught how to bake and are provided with valuable business skills.
In July 2015, we were able to open our second bakery, the Freshbake 4U bakery, which supplies baked goods to the patients, staff, and visitors at the FER hospital. As with our first bakery, it serves as a training facility where unemployed individuals can learn the skills necessary to find employment.
Inspiring Future South African Leaders
We are proud to be able to motivate individuals to make positive career and life choices through our school visits, our services, and materials provided largely to us by our sponsors and our committee. Operation Snow Drop also hopes that our multi-generational commitment to helping the disadvantaged communities of South Africa will inspire the youth of today to make a positive impact not only locally, but also globally.
Click here to see more on how we’re spreading joy to disadvantaged youth and communities today.
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